Baby Names that mean Love

Love-themed baby names are probably the most unique approach to celebrate your new birth. After all, love is what the world always need. All we require is love. There is no greater love than that of a mother for her kid. Do you want the rest of the world to know how important your child is to you? Whatever the reason, if you're seeking for Baby Names that mean Love, you've come to the perfect place. Check the list attached below, you will find a perfect love name for you Baby. You can also wishlist your favorite baby names for future use. 

You have searched for Baby Names that mean Love

Adelpha Agapito Agapius
Aiko Amabilis Amadei
Amadeus Amanda Amandus
Amantius Amara Amator
Amatus Amee Amias
Amor Amorette Amorra
Amour Anbu Anwil
Aonghus Aphrodite Armas
Aroha Asti Atif
Atuf Aziz Bes
Brisa Caera Caerwy
Calandra Caradoc Caragh
Caragoc Caralea Caralie
Caratac Cari Caridad
Carinna Caron Carthac
Carys Cedra Cedrica
Chicondi Cinta Connell
Cupid Daralice Darlene
Darrell David Davida
Davinia Davis Dawood
Delila Didina Dori
Dorrie Dragost Drury
Dwyn Eldad Elmo
Erasmus Eros Esme
Ettie Eustorg Femi
Filimena Freya Frigg
Gerwyn Gracian Grainne
Guaiya Habib Habibah
Halia Haviv Imogen
Ipo Ishtar Jacayl
Jamille Jedidiah Kahle
Kaira Kalila Kama
Kareena Karlek Karys
Kealoha Kendi Kevinne
Kiefer Lalasa Leiber
Lennan Leobwin Liebe
Liefde Liubov Lolonyo
Love Lovella Lovette
Lovey Luben Lubomir
Lubos Lufian Lyda
Maitea Maitena Mando
Medad Mena Milada
Milena Milosc Mina
Mudiwa Murna Navit
Nayely Olathe Oratilwe
Phil Philemon Philetus
Prem Priya Rudo
Sajan Suki Thando
Tris Upendo Uthando
Vida Wadud Yue Lao
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